What we do.

What we do.

What we do.

What we do.

A new 360° marketing partner for your dental clinic. Receive continuous improvements and expertise on all things marketing and focus on ACTUAL results. No vanity metrics.

At HUDAC, Bad Service means not delivering ACTUAL results. High CTR, likes and followers are all important. However, they are also vanity metrics that do not guarantee ACTUAL business growth, new patients or appointment bookings.

Our highly personalized 360° approach focuses on a mutualy beneficial long term relationship. Every single activity is performed to achieve ACTUAL results and whenever we see potential for improvement, we make sure to implement it.


360° marketing consulting

01 / 360° marketing consulting
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

A new 360° marketing partner for your dental clinic. Receive continuous improvements and expertise on all things marketing.

Online and offline patient experience
Patient perks and amenities
Interior on brand design
Software and technology advising
Treatment financing options and communication
PR and local business collaborations
HR and recruitment marketing
Email marketing funnels and automations
Referral programmes
Patient reviews gathering
Reach out


Brand design

02 / Brand design
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

Develop a voice and visual identity your patients will fall in love with. Cater to their wants, needs and set yourself apart from local competitors.

Market research & analysis
Competitive brand audit
Brand strategy & positioning
Visual identity systems
Art direction
Brand photography
Brand guidelines
Reach out


Web design

03 / Web design
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

A fast-loading web experience designed to captivate and convert. Gain appointments and educate patients through effective landing pages, funnels and call to actions.

Market research & analysis
Competitive web audit
Web goals & strategy
UI/UX Wireframing
UI/UX Mockuping
Web development
3rd party integrations
Improvement & maintenance
Reach out



04 / SEO
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

Increase your local organic search engine ranking for targeted treatments and services. Get discovered faster and decrease ad spend long-term.

Market research & analysis
Competitive SEO audit
SEO goals & strategy
On-page SEO optimization
Off-page SEO link-building
Ongoing On-page & Off-page optimization
Reach out



05 / Advertising
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

Highly targeted campaigns designed to avoid ad spend waste. Apply budgets wisely with custom audiences, unique creatives, and rigorous conversion monitoring.

Market research & analysis
Competitive advertising audit
Advertising goals & strategy
Creative and copy development
Audience building, targeting and re-targeting
Google Adwords management
Facebook Ads management
LinkedIn Ads management
Google Analytics management
Google Tag Manager management
Reach out


Social media

06 / Social media
Trident Smiles Dental
See case

Share engaging on-brand content and enhance your digital presence. Educate and convert followers, strengthen brand awareness and improve SEO through virality.

Market research & analysis
Competitive social audit
Social media goals & strategy
Social media guidelines
Content planning
Content production
Influencer and UGC collaborations
Social media management
Reach out

Hyperlocal focus and strategy for your dental market. No cookie cutters.

(01) Research & Analysis
Every service and activity starts with a hyperlocal research and analysis phase. We analyze your demographics, competition, and consumer behavior to gain valuable insights into the local dental market.
(02) Planning & Strategy
With research findings in hand, we formulate a strategic plan tailored to your specific goals. This includes identifying target audiences, determining competitive advantages, and outlining actionable marketing steps.
(03) Design & Development
The design & development phase brings creativity and expertise to the forefront. We craft compelling creatives and effective sales funnels, ensuring that your touchpoints resonate and convert into bookings.
(04) Launch & Monitoring
When it's time to launch, we make sure performance and consumer behavior are carefully monitored. We leverage digital marketing tools to analyze our success down to a single click of a button.
(05) Learning & Improvement
Since every dental market is unique and dynamic, continuous learning is crucial to us. We monitor performance, gather feedback, and analyze data to refine strategies and ensure long-term success.
We understand the ins and outs of all major dental treatments, requirements, procedures and softwares.
Our experience

Dental market specialists

and many more...

and many more...